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Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (17 cm) con divisor en línea, 4 ohm, 30 W RMS (300 W máx.) y tweeters de 1" (2,5 cm)
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (17 cm) con divisor en línea, 4 ohm, 30 W RMS (300 W máx.) y tweeters de 1" (2,5 cm)
Embalaje de sistema componente de 2 vias separadas
Cono 170 mm P.P. (polipropileno)
Tweeter 25 mm cúpula P.E.I
Montaje en superfície de 2 vías
Divisor de frecuencias In-line
Potencia de pico 300W
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (17 cm) con divisor externo, 4 ohm, 80 W RMS (280 W máx.) y tweeters de 1" (2,5 cm)
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (17 cm) con divisor externo, 4 ohm, 80 W RMS (280 W máx.) y tweeters de 1" (2,5 cm)
Sistema componente de 2 vias separadas
Cono de polipropileno de 17cm con textura de diamante
Tweeter de cúpula blanda de Tetron de 25mm
Tweeter tipo orientable
Red de Cruce de Alta Calidad
Potencia de pico 280W
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (16,5 cm) con divisor externo, 4 ohm, 110 W RMS (330 W máx.) y tweeters de 1,18" (3 cm)
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas de 6,5" (16,5 cm) con divisor externo, 4 ohm, 110 W RMS (330 W máx.) y tweeters de 1,18" (3 cm)
Embalaje de sistema componente de 2 vias separadas
Cono 18cm de avanzada pulpa híbrida
Tweeter 30mm
Tweeter con soportes para 2 posiciones de montaje: empotrado o en superficie
Red de corte de alta calidad, tamaño compacto
Potencia de pico 330W
Características del Altavoz
Altavoces custom fit de doble cono, de 5.25" (13 cm) de diámetro y 25 W RMS (130 W máx.)
Altavoces custom fit de doble cono, de 5.25" (13 cm) de diámetro y 25 W RMS (130 W máx.)
Easily upgrade your car speakers for higher quality sound. This custom-fit speakers are an easy and affordable way to raise your in-car audio output levels, giving you far better sound imaging with high power performance.
All speakers feature a high performance IMPP (Injection-Moulded Polypropylene) cone, filling the complete audio range with rich bass sounds.
Installation is straight forward and hassle-free. Each speaker comes with a unique connector for direct access to your car’s speaker connectors. There is no need for additional adapters or modifications.
Altavoces custom fit de doble cono, de 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 35 W RMS (170 W máx.)
Altavoces custom fit de doble cono, de 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 35 W RMS (170 W máx.)
Easily upgrade your car speakers for higher quality sound. This custom-fit speakers are an easy and affordable way to raise your in-car audio output levels, giving you far better sound imaging with high power performance.
All speakers feature a high performance IMPP (Injection-Moulded Polypropylene) cone, filling the complete audio range with rich bass sounds.
Installation is straight forward and hassle-free. Each speaker comes with a unique connector for direct access to your car’s speaker connectors. There is no need for additional adapters or modifications.
Altavoces multivía de 3 vías de 6,75" (17 cm) de diámetro, 4 ohm y 50 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Altavoces multivía de 3 vías de 6,75" (17 cm) de diámetro, 4 ohm y 50 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Con un rendimiento espectacular, los altavoces coaxiales de la serie TS-A de Pioneer aprovechan hasta el límite las capacidades de tu equipación de car audio y son perfectos para actualizar tu sistema de car audio de serie.
El woofer de estos altavoces multivía Pioneer TS-A1723i entrega bajos y medias frecuencias nítidas con una rápida respuesta en todo su rango de frecuencias. Además, el diseño bajo el concepto Open & Smooth genera imágenes acústicas ricas en matices y con una transición suave y continua entre los medios y los agudos entregados por el conjunto de tweeters.
Disfrutarás de un sonido más preciso y de una perfecta dispersión mediante gracias al woofer fabricado con estructura MMM (Multi-layer Mica Matrix). Una acústica inmejorable para una experiencia única de car audio.
Altavoces coaxiales de 3 vías de 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 50 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Altavoces coaxiales de 3 vías de 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 50 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Upgrade the original sound system of your car: our TS-A speakers tap in to the full potential of your in-car audio setup. The cone ensures a punching bass and improved midrange frequency response. You’ll enjoy a more accurate sound to accompany that full-bodied bass.
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas por componentes, 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 60 W RMS (350 W máx.)
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas por componentes, 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 60 W RMS (350 W máx.)
Rock solid, full-bodied performance. Upgrade the original sound system of your car with this Pioneer TS-A173CI 2-way component system speakers and tap in to the full potential of your in-car audio setup.
The cone of this mid-bass drover ensures punchy bass and improved frequency response. You’ll enjoy a more accurate sound to accompany that full-bodied bass, thanks to the separate tweeter.
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas por componentes, 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 45 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Altavoces de 2 vías separadas por componentes, 6.5" (17 cm) de diámetro y 45 W RMS (300 W máx.)
Discover the renewed G-series for better-sounding drives. The improved G-series speaker range is specifically developed for premium and powerful audio, with excellent value for money. Their rigid design has been optimised with multi-bolt patterns, making it very easy to install any G-series speaker in your car. Thanks to their increased power handling and high sensitivity performance, these speakers reproduce deep, impactful bass and natural highs – even at high volumes.
Upgrade your in-car sound in a smart and affordable way with the Pioneer TS-G170C speakers. This 17 cm 2-way component speakers delivers up to 45 W of nominal power and has a maximum power output of 300 W.
Altavoces de doble cono de 6.5" (17 cm) y 40 W RMS (280 W máx.)
Altavoces de doble cono de 6.5" (17 cm) y 40 W RMS (280 W máx.)
Discover the renewed G-series for better-sounding drives. The improved G-series speaker range is specifically developed for premium and powerful audio, with excellent value for money. Their rigid design has been optimised with multi-bolt patterns, making it very easy to install any G-series speaker in your car. Thanks to their increased power handling and high sensitivity performance, these speakers reproduce deep, impactful bass and natural highs – even at high volumes.
Upgrade your in-car sound in a smart and affordable way with the Pioneer TS-G1710F speakers. This 17 cm dual cone speakers delivers up to 40 W of nominal power and has a maximum power output of 280 W.
Altavoces coaxiales de 2 vías de 17 cm y 40 W RMS (300 W máx)
Altavoces coaxiales de 2 vías de 17 cm y 40 W RMS (300 W máx)
Discover the renewed G-series for better-sounding drives. The improved G-series speaker range is specifically developed for premium and powerful audio, with excellent value for money. Their rigid design has been optimised with multi-bolt patterns, making it very easy to install any G-series speaker in your car. Thanks to their increased power handling and high sensitivity performance, these speakers reproduce deep, impactful bass and natural highs – even at high volumes.
Upgrade your in-car sound in a smart and affordable way with the Pioneer TS-G1720F speakers. This 17 cm 2-way coaxial speakers delivers up to 40 W of nominal power and has a maximum power output of 300 W.
Altavoces coaxiales de 3 vías de 17 cm y 40 W RMS (300 W máx)
Altavoces coaxiales de 3 vías de 17 cm y 40 W RMS (300 W máx)
Discover the renewed G-series for better-sounding drives. The improved G-series speaker range is specifically developed for premium and powerful audio, with excellent value for money. Their rigid design has been optimised with multi-bolt patterns, making it very easy to install any G-series speaker in your car. Thanks to their increased power handling and high sensitivity performance, these speakers reproduce deep, impactful bass and natural highs – even at high volumes.
Upgrade your in-car sound in a smart and affordable way with the Pioneer TS-G1730F speakers. This 17 cm 3-way coaxial speakers delivers up to 40 W of nominal power and has a maximum power output of 300 W.